Product no.: 825223

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Price includes VAT, plus delivery

GDK:The German Commando Association has cho-sen to partner with Eickhorn-Solingen (in association with
designer A. Weitzel) to create a special Commando Kni-fe for their units and colleagues. The GDK was formed in
2007 at the request of members of the German Comman-dos (KSK), there are now members active in the German
Army, worldwide and it maintains a strong network with
other likeminded organisations.
With the project ‘Einer von uns’ (‘one of us’) the GDK sup-ports the families of our fallen comrades. For every GDK
Commando knife purchase, Eickhorn-Solingen will donate
10 Euro to the association to support their efforts.
Designed by A. Weitzel, Eickhorn-Solingen deliver the GDK
Commano Knife in a special colour variation.

Stahl/Steel: Eickhorn Professional Plus

Gewicht/Weight: ca. 220 g

Klinge/Blade: ca. 11,7 cm

Gesamtlänge/Overall length: ca. 23,7 cm





Product Note Status Price
Multilock-Adapter Multilock-Adapter
11.25 € *
Bellator Trainer Bellator Trainer
102.29 € *
Bellator Bellator
275.00 € *
Bellator Tactical Bellator Tactical
275.00 € *
* Prices include VAT, plus delivery
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